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jenmanii Engl.
Many sellers sell Anthurium bonplandii subsp. guayanum and call it Anthurium jenmanii The two species are very different species. All technical data was taken from Dr. Thomas B. Croat's
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 1991,
Volume 78, #3 as well as from his field notes published on the Missouri Botanical Garden website
TROPICOS. For additional photos of Anthurium jenmanii see pages
803 and 804 of that journal. The scientific description of Anthurium jenmanii can be
found on page 662.
NOTE: This text contains photos of both
Anthurium jenmanii and Anthurium bonplandii subsp. guayanum.
Please read the captions beneath each photo.
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Anthurium jenmanii is also found
in South America's Guiana Shield which
includes French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela and the extreme
northern portion of the Amazon basin in Brazil's Amazonas State.
Anthurium jenmanii is almost
always collected at elevations below 500 meters (1650 feet) in moist forest
regions but also in open
dry woodlands.
My friend
Joep Moonen (pronounced yupe) who lives and works in French
Guiana has
indicated in multiple personal communications the species is often observed very near sea level.
Joep can be seen in the photo at the top of this page with an adult specimen
of Anthurium jenmanii.
The leaf blades of Anthurium jenmanii are coriaceous (leathery to the touch) and broadly oblanceolate to elliptic but are rarely ovate-elliptic. Any leaf blade that is oblanceolate is spear shaped but widest above the center of the blade and broadest near the middle or in the upper one fourth. The leaf blades near the base are obtuse (blunt) and rounded or may be slightly oval. The edges (margins) of the blades are moderately undulated (wavy). The upper blade surface (adaxial side) is semi-glossy to glossy and is a yellowish green. The lower leaf surface (abaxial side) is matte to only slightly glossy and is a bit paler in color. In regard to the color of the blades shown at right, below, Joep wrote, "Please notice the yellow leaves. This is normal in the dry season when they are exposed to a lot of light such as on inselbergs. I know one inselberg where there are hundreds if not a thousand A. jenmanii specimens but deep in the forest the species is a lot less common."
Anthurium jenmanii is known to be variable having multiple leaf forms throughout its native range. This link offers a more complete explanation of natural variation within aroid and other plant species. Click here.
At the top of any Anthurium species' petiole you will find the geniculum (see photo right, above) which is slightly larger than the petiole in size. The geniculum allows the leaf blade to rotate much like an elbow or a knee in order to orient itself to find a brighter source of light. The geniculum of Anthurium jenmanii is slightly paler and only moderately thicker than petiole. Anthurium jenmanii has short internodes on the stem. An internode is a segment of stem between two nodes and the node is where a leaf may emerge.
During the year 2007 aroid collectors from Indonesia were paying phenomenal prices for a single specimen of various plants being sold as "Anthurium jenmanii". More than a few specimens were hybrids of other plant species, not the actual species known to science as Anthurium jenmanii. One principal reason collectors in Indonesia were seeking what they thought to be "Anthurium jenmanii" was they believed the species produced a juvenile bright burgundy to red leaf. Anthurium jenmanii does not produce a red leaf according to botanical experts including aroid botanist Dr. Croat. My friend Joep made this comment in a personal email, "I have never seen a red jenmanii but that does not say much since they have a big distribution and there might be mutations as well". As a result it is likely that 95% of the photos labeled "Anthurium jenmanii" on Google images are not Anthurium jenmanii but instead are a hybrid of Anthurium bonplandii subspecies guayanum. All the photos labeles as Anthurium jenmanii on this page were taken either in the wild or are from the vouchered botanical collections of either the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis, MO or the Jardin Botanique de la Villa in France.
In a message to expert aroid grower Denis Rotolante who with his son
Bill own Silver Krome Gardens in Homestead, FL, Dr. Croat
has not been anything published since I published my revision of
Anthurium sect. Pachyneurium in the Annals of the Missouri Botanical
Garden 78(3): 539-855.1991. The attractive, coriaceous bird's nest
sometimes called "jenmanii" sometimes A. bonplandii guayanum,
sometimes as A. guayanum had the young leave reddish on the lower
surface when young. I treated this as Anthurium
Specimens bearing the name "Anthurium
jenmanii" are often
either hybridized forms (not pure
species) or plants that may be erroneously using the name. As an example, the plant sold
in Indonesia as Anthurium jenmanii
Cobra is a hybrid form with an unknown parentage. Although
a beautiful specimen, it is not
Too often growers elect to use a scientific name on the specimens they sell without regard to the botanical characteristics of the species. Just because the seller's tag says "Anthurium jenmanii" does not mean the plant is truly Anthurium jenmanii. The difference between horticultural names and botanical science is vast. The true Anthurium jenmanii does not produce the purple/red leaf blade when young while Anthurium bonplandii guayanum does. An examination of the photos included on this page shows the obvious differences in the two species but there are also technical scientific differences (read the text just above). Anthurium bonplandii subsp. guayanum also has a cataphyll that does not persist as fibers. Very importantly the species Anthurium bonplandii subsp. guayanum has blackish dots on the abaxial (underside) of the leaf blade known as glandular punctates while Anthurium jenmanii does not. You can read about and see the glandular punctates of Anthurium bonplandii subsp. guayanum here. ![]()
All Anthurium
species are aroids. An aroid is a
plant that reproduces by growing
an inflorescence (photo, left) known to science
as a spathe and spadix. Most people believe the spathe is a
"flower" which is incorrect. The spathe is a modified leaf
whose purpose is to protect the spadix at the center of the
inflorescence. The color of the spathe is variable
within the species Anthurium jenmanii as can be observed in the
photos on this page.
During sexual anthesis there are very tiny
flowers found on the spadix when the plant is ready to produce seeds.
An aroid, all
Anthurium species reproduce via the production an
inflorescence and the stalk that supports the entire inflorescence
is the peduncle. When an Anthurium is "in flower" the
reference is to the tiny flowers containing both male and female
sexual parts that grow on the spadix at the center of the
inflorescence. Unlike plants in the genus Philodendron which
contain imperfect flowers having only a single sex Anthurium
possess perfect flowers containing both sexes. To help prevent self
pollination nature has designed the female flowers to be receptive
before the male portion of the flower produce their pollen so in
most cases an insect must bring pollen from another plant.
In order to
produce those seeds the female portion of the flowers must first be pollinated as
they reach their own sexual
anthesis. When ready to reproduce the
spadix produces the flowers. Those male
portion of flowers produce pollen and If the
female portion is pollinated by an appropriate
beetle which carries pollen from another
Anthurium jenmanii
specimen which is already at male anthesis pollination is likely to result. If the female
flowers are successfully pollinated
the spadix will begin to grow berries containing 1 to 2 seeds.
Since Anthurium species are unisexual and produce both sexes on a single flower it is possible for the plant to be self pollinated (see the very tiny seeds of Anthurium jenmanii below, left). The production of an inflorescence on Anthurium jenmanii is not uncommon and both the spathe and spadix are purple in color. The spathe may be a lighter color on the upper surface due to natural variation. Dr. Croat noted the spathe is both spreading and reflexed (turned backwards as in the photo right).
If you truly have an Anthurium jenmanii, the berries containing seeds will be obovoid and reddish/purple but pale in color
while almost white at
the base. Joep made this
observation regarding berry coloration and seed shape in both Anthurium
jenmanii and Anthurium bonplandii guayanum,
"The berries and
seeds from both species have the same color: purple-red,
According to
naturalist Joep Moonen who guides botanists and environmental professionals in French Guiana into the rain
forests of northern South America, Anthurium jenmanii is neither rare nor
common. It is simply as average as any Anthurium in the genus. However, Anthurium bonplandii subsp.
guayanum is truly considered rare. After reviewing the information and
photographs on this page, Joep suggested I add these notes,
"I agree
with the photos and text. Anthurium jenmanii is locally common in
transitory forest: which is the forest between high primary and lower
vegetation like grass- or brush savannas. Also A. jenmanii can stand
a lot of direct sunlight. The leaves turn yellow, but the plants do not
![]() Despite common misconceptions, species within the Neotropical genus Anthurium are not found naturally in Asia or the Pacific region but that does not mean they are not grown all over the world! People obviously grow Anthurium species in many countries, but Anthurium are not naturally found in the Pacific basin or Asia and are strictly found naturally within Mexico, Central America, South America, and the West Indies. My thanks to Dr. Croat for his input and the use of his published material. Thanks also to botanist David Scherberich, Jardin Botanique de la Ville de Lyon, Parc de la Tete d'Or, France for the use of his photographs of Anthurium jenmanii as to to Phil Nelson and Harry Luther at the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens in Sarasota, FL. Also my sincere thanks to Emily Colletti who is the chief aroid greenhouse keeper at the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis, MO for her assistance in photographing a specimen of Anthuiurm jenmanii in the garden's collection and finally to my friends Joep Moonen, Bill Rotolante and aroid expert Leland Miyano for their assistance. ![]() The Emerald Jungle Village website can be found at http://home.planet.nl/~gumamaus/ For eco-tour
information contact Joep Moonen at
![]() Additional photographs by botanist David Scherberich can be seen here: http://www.aroidpictures.fr/GENRES/anthuriuma-l.html |